About Finanskompetencepuljen


Skills development is crucial - both for individual employees and for companies in the financial sector.

This is especially true in the changeable labour market, where the winds of globalisation are constantly raising the demands for skills to new heights, and where new technological advances are creating opportunities that would have been considered pipe dreams before.

Therefore, Finansforbundet and Finanssektorens Arbejdsgiverforening (FA) (the Danish Employers’ Association for the Financial Sector), with a strong, targeted and unique collaboration, have established Finanskompetencepuljen, which will contribute to the financial sector remaining competitive.

The ambition is to ensure that the sector’s employees and companies have the best possible framework for strategic skills development via courses and company projects.

The purpose is to match financial companies and employees’ skills develop-ment needs by focusing on the labour market of the future and accommodating the future need for skills both today and tomorrow.

Through close interaction with educational institutions, a demand-driven development of education is stimulated with a focus on enhancing the professionalism of individual employees and companies.

Today, Finanskompetencepuljen offers a wide range of courses tailored to companies’ demand for skills and employees’ need for skills.

Finanskompetencepuljen offers courses for all job categories covered by the agreement between Finansforbundet and FA and works exclusively with recognised educational institutions – both public and private.

This is perhaps why we have experienced a high interest in our courses from both employees and companies. In fact, the interest is so high that we have had to put a limit on how many courses an individual employee can participate in each year. The limit is one course or a maximum of 15 ECTS points.

Finanskompetencepuljen also has a positive approach towards supporting company projects. These will proactively support the need for skills in the future and aim to strengthen employees’ understanding of digitalisation, readiness for change and mindset towards skills development and their own responsibility for this.

You can read more about each course here on the site and how you as a company can apply for company projects and courses.