For employees

Who is eligible to apply for support from Finanskompetencepuljen?

Who is eligible to apply for support from Finanskompetencepuljen? 

You are eligible to apply for support from Finanskompetencepuljen if you are employed in a company* covered by a collective agreement between Finance Denmark or the Employers’ Association for FinTech and the Financial Services Union and have a monthly salary lower than 82,900 DKK (as of July 1, 2024), excluding the special holyday allowance, contractually determined holyday days, care days, and employers pension contributions specified in the agreement.
If you resign from your current job, then the course must have started before your last day of employment. 

Do I have to be a member of the Financial Services Union? 

No, this is not necessary. You are eligible as long as you are employed in a company covered by a collective agreement between Finans Danmark and the Financial Services Union.

Are part-time employees eligible to apply on an equal footing? 


Are persons employed in a wage-subsidy, flexi-job or senior job scheme eligible to apply? 


Are trainees eligible to apply? 


Are students eligible to apply? 


Am I eligible to apply for training if I am currently unemployed?  

No.If you become unemployed and resign from your current job, then the course must have started before your last day of employment - otherwise the approval will be cancelled, as you must be covered by the collective agreement to participate in courses via Finanskompetencepuljen. 

Am I eligible to apply for training if I am retired? 


May I continue my training if I take early retirement or retirement? 


May two or more persons submit a joint application? 

If two or more colleagues wish to participate in the same training course, each person must apply individually for participation.

What does Finanskompetencepuljen cover?

Does Finanskompetencepuljen cover expenses for transport and any accommodation?


Does Finanskompetencepuljen cover expenses for food? 

As a general rule, Finanskompetencepuljen does not cover food expenses.

Does Finanskompetencepuljen cover expenses for materials? 

Yes, textbooks are included. You will either receive books from the training venue or you will pay for the books yourself and send the invoice to Finanskompetencepuljen (remember to specify your bank account number).

Does Finanskompetencepuljen pay for the time I spend on the training course? 


Which courses am I, an employee, eligible to apply for?

What am I eligible to apply for?

You are eligible to apply for participation in courses provided by Finanskompetencepuljen. 

May I apply for funding for a study or training programme that is not covered by Finanskompetencepuljen?


Can I make suggestions for possible courses that Finanskompetencepuljen could cover?

Yes, we welcome input and ideas and kindly request that they are submitted via the link “Submit your course proposal” at the bottom of our website. 

What type of courses does Finanskompetencepuljen support?

The Board of Finanskompetencepuljen sets the guidelines for which courses are offered via the fund. Common to the courses is that they must contribute to relevant professional and personal competence development that adds to the job function the employee has today. 

How often may I apply for individual courses?

How often may I apply?

You may apply for one course a year, but not for more than 15 ECTS credits in one year. The period starts from the date of your first application. The application is valid for one year from the time of application.

When can I apply?

The overview for the individual courses will specify the deadline for applying for course participation.

What is the application process for individual training courses?

What happens once I have applied to be enrolled in a course? 

Finanskompetencepuljen processes your application and forwards the information to the educational institution where you wish to take the course.

The educational institution contacts you and makes sure that you receive the appropriate information.

We carry out regular spot checks of approved applications to ensure that the funds in Finanskompetencepuljen are distributed legally.

How long does this take? 

Applications are processed in the order in which we receive them.

When will I hear anything? 

The applicant receives an e-mail from us stating that the application has been received by

How long will it take before I hear from the educational institution?

The length of time until you receive a response from the educational institution will vary from one course to another, as Finanskompetencepuljen cooperates with a number of different educational institutions.

What happens if I am unable to take part in the course?

If you are unable to take part in a course you have applied for, you must notify Finanskompetencepuljen and the educational institution of this as soon as possible so we can cancel your application. In the event that your cancellation does not conform to the terms and conditions of cancellation, you will use one course attempt.

What happens if I do not complete or pass a training course?  

We expect you to complete the course for which you have received payment through Finanskompetencepuljen. We do not keep a record of whether you pass or fail your training course, but we do expect you to actively take part and do your best to pass the course.

May I continue my training course if I have given notice to resign from my job?

Yes, it is possible for you to continue your training course during your period of notification. If the course extends into any period of unemployment, we kindly ask you to contact your unemployment fund for further details.

May I continue my training course if I am dismissed from my job?

Yes, you may continue your course during the period in which you are released from your duty to work and the period of notification.

What should you consider before submitting your application?

Should I involve my supervisor in my application for the course?

Learning happens most optimally when there is a connection between the course and daily work. Therefore, you are encouraged to enter into a dialogue with your manager before applying for a course.

Does my supervisor have to approve my course application?

You are required to discuss your application with your supervisor before submitting an application for a course via Finanskompetencepuljen. Your supervisor does not have to approve your training application, however.

Will my employer pay for the time I spend on the course through Finanskompetencepuljen?

You can agree whether your employer will pay you for the time spent on the course by discussing this with your supervisor before you submit your application. Your workplace is under no obligation to pay for the time you spend on the course, however.

May I participate in a different course at my workplace if I participate in a course through Finanskompetencepuljen? 

Yes. The course supplements the training offers otherwise provided by your workplace. This means that your participation in the course through Finanskompetencepuljen does not depend on training courses you participate in at your workplace.

Can I refer to the possible courses in Finanskompetencepuljen when I have my job appraisal interview with my supervisor? 

Yes, it is a good idea to make your supervisor aware of any courses that you can attend through Finanskompetencepuljen.

Should I involve my union representative in my application for the course? 

No. You do not need to involve your union representative in your application for a course. However, you are welcome to search for information and ask for feedback from your union rep about the training options or contact the Financial Services Union.

For companies

Who is eligible to apply for support from Finanskompetencepuljen?

Who is eligible to apply for support from Finanskompetencepuljen?

You are eligible to apply for support from Finanskompetencepuljen if yours company is covered by a collective agreement between FA and the Financial Services Union.

Are part-time employees eligible to participate in company courses or company projects?


Are persons employed in a wage-subsidy, flexi-job or senior job scheme eligible to participate in company courses or company projects?


Are trainees eligible to participate in company courses or company projects?


Are students eligible to participate in company courses or company projects?


What may companies apply for?

Is a company eligible to apply for funding for training courses?

All companies may apply for support to conduct individual courses as company courses. 

May a company training course be held at the company?

Yes, provided that this can be agreed with the course provider.

May a company apply for funding for skills-development projects at the company?

Yes, it is possible for companies to apply for funds to carry out skills-development projects. Companies must use the company application form.

How much funding can a company apply for to support company projects? 

Each year, the company may apply for support up to the amount contributed by the company to the fund for company projects. The company's annual contribution towards company projects is DKK 250 per employee.

What does Finanskompetencepuljen cover?

Does Finanskompetencepuljen cover expenses for transport and any accommodation?


Does Finanskompetencepuljen cover expenses for food?

As a general rule, Finanskompetencepuljen does not cover food expenses. 

Does Finanskompetencepuljen cover expenses for materials?

Yes, textbooks are included. You will either receive books from the training venue or you will pay for the books yourself and send the invoice to Finanskompetencepuljen (remember to specify your bank account number).

What is the application process for company training courses and company projects?

What is the application process for company training courses? 

To apply for a company training course, your company must contact the course provider about the options and the practical and financial details. Before sending in a business application, it is important to have a dialogue with your professional representative and get acceptance for the application. Afterwards, your company may submit an application.

Once Finanskompetencepuljen has received your application, it will be processed according to current guidelines. These are adopted by the board of directors. You will subsequently be contacted by the Finanskompetencepuljen administrative unit.

What is the application process for company projects?

Once Finanskompetencepuljen has received your application, it will be processed according to current guidelines. These are adopted by the board of directors. You will possibly be contacted by the Finanskompetencepuljen administrative unit if there are additional questions.

When are the deadlines for applications?

Finanskompetencepuljen only covers funding for future company training courses and company projects. The deadline for application is before the start of the course or project.

When will we receive a reply to our application?

All applications are processed on an ongoing basis and you will receive a reply as soon as possible.

What are the cancellation terms for the companies?

What are the cancellation terms for business courses and business projects?

Cancellation of business courses and business projects must be done in accordance with the cancellation terms of the cooperating education provider.  

What should we as a company consider before cancelling a business course or business project?

Before cancelling a business project or business course, you could consult with the education provider about postponing the course to a later date.  

What happens if the company cancels later than the education provider’s cancellation terms?

Finanskompetencepuljen (Finance Competence Fund) does not fund cancelled business courses. If you as a company cancel a business course or business project later than the education provider’s cancellation terms, the company in question is obligated to pay all costs associated with this.

What happens if the company does not use the paid funds for business projects?

If the company does not use the paid funds for an approved business project, these funds must be paid back to Finanskompetencepuljen. In such cases please contact the secretariat by phone at 32 96 46 00 or by email: finanskompetencepulje@finansforbundet.dk

We carry out regular spot checks of approved applications to ensure that the funds in Finanskompetencepuljen are distributed legally.